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"Heal Yesterday... Empower Today... Enrich Tomorrow
                     Rise and bring home your radiance"                                                                           

adah watson

Skype Sessions


Skype sessions offers Transformational Healing Sessions and Life Coaching which integrates Hypnotherapy, Guided Meditation,

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) with Matrix Re-Imprinting. addressing the following:

























​For further information regarding starting your Positive Personal Changes via Skype sessions please contact Adah.


Coaching & Positive Personal Change


  • Motivation + Confidence + Goal setting

  • Nervousness + Stress Relief

  • Feeling Low + Pain Relief

  • Forgiveness + Letting Go + Rejection

  • Grief + Guilt + Acceptance

"Thank you again and again for these beautiful guided meditations and hypnosis that I'm receiving from you. I am feeling more peaceful and poised. I'm finding more confidence and greater clarity to live the life I've always wanted. I'm learning to work with my subconscious mind to manifest my best highest reality now. Words can not express the gratitude I have for you.

Thank you!"


~Laura - Howard, OH, USA~

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